How to Convert Failure into Success
complete guide to achieving success
Failure Is A Part Of Life
The famous writer, Thomas Edison said: ‘’Success is a process of making mistakes, not avoiding them.’’ While this quote has been around for many years, it is often quoted by those who need to avoid taking risks. Those who embrace the philosophy that success is rarely achieved without making some mistakes will never have to learn the art of failure. Successful people learn from their errors and make plans to avoid them in the future. This type of thinking is necessary if you want to achieve success.
If you are one of those who believe that failure should be avoided at all costs, you are going to create problems for yourself in the future. You are also going to spend your life searching for failures to pick out from instead of making use of your successes. There is nothing wrong with being a little fearful when you face failure. The key to successful living is not hiding from it, but using it as a stepping stone to build your next successful plan.
Many successful people were once considered failures. Some turned into something much greater than what they were. Others learned from their failures and changed their view of life so that they could avoid them in the future. You should also learn to accept any mistake you make. No matter how big or small, it’s important to learn from them so you can grow from them.
One of the most common problems with people who are afraid of failure is that they have a plan for everything. Unfortunately, when failure strikes they have no plan for it. They spend their entire life looking for that perfect plan that will protect them from themselves and from life itself. While a good plan can be very useful, having a grandiose plan is not a prerequisite for living a successful life.
Many people will simply see failure as the worst thing that can possibly happen to them. They will immediately try to avoid anything that may result in them making an error. In fact, these same people will often judge anyone who shows any sign of failure by their appearance. If you are one of these people, you are sadly mistaken because those with less money or less experience than you will also experience failure.
Failure is just part of life. Those who try too hard to avoid it will always find themselves unhappy. Successful individuals know how to handle failure. They understand that failure is something that has to be learned. The important thing is not to see failure as a negative aspect.
Successful people know that failure can teach them valuable lessons. For example, they might learn that their goal is unreachable if they do not pursue it to the fullest. They might also discover that their fears were unnecessary. Others will see success as a sign of vanity. When they see it, they will automatically recognize themselves as failures.
No matter what a person’s motivation for failure, they must accept that they have made a mistake and that they will always learn from their mistakes. Failure is a part of life. People need to look at failure objectively rather than trying to avoid it. If someone tries to run away from failure, they only succeed in turning every failure into something else. The only way to defeat failure is to face it head-on, to learn from it, and to move on.
Failure affects all parts of a person’s life. It may affect their personal relationships, their career, and even their finances. In fact, many people suffer from fear of failure. The fear of failure prevents them from trying again, from trying harder, and from doing anything at all. If you are a perfectionist, then you are probably more likely to experience failure.
Unfortunately, the majority of people have a very limited view of what success means. They fail because of poor judgment or inattention. They fail because they want things for free, without spending any effort. Success is about doing the right things, getting what you want, and working hard for it. It does not mean that you are perfect. You will always make mistakes, and there is no way to avoid them.
However, the important thing is that you learn from your mistakes, no matter how big or small they may be. Failure should be viewed as a part of life, something that you have to deal with. You must be able to move on. If you focus too much on failure, you might become obsessed with it, and you will lose sight of your goals. Remember that it is okay to fail. You will ultimately succeed.
3 Easy Ways to Let Go of Guilting
We all have feelings that we wish we could change. But the thing is, sometimes those feelings are too powerful to overcome. That’s when you need to let go of guilt. In this article, you will learn seven ways to let go of guilt.
Give Yourself a Break Sometimes we are not just aware that we are carrying around self-consciousness, which adds to our stress levels and can lead to anxiety, depression, and other mental health disorders. So give yourself a break and take some time to be happy. No one is exactly perfect, after all.
Take a Look at the Real Reason Behind Your Bad Behavior Often we are guilty of our bad behavior because we refuse to admit that there might be a real reason behind our behavior. Instead of focusing on the real reason behind our bad behavior, we convince ourselves that it is just an “assume” or “thought.” Until we come to terms with the fact that there may be a real cause for our negative thinking, we’ll continue to compound our guilt and misery. Letting go of guilt is necessary for mental health.
See the Benefits of Doing Something Right If you have had a prior experience where you were criticized for doing something wrong, let go of that negative feeling. The truth of the matter is, if you did something right, the criticism wouldn’t have been done to you in the first place. Rather, the criticism would have been more towards the execution of the task rather than towards your personal capabilities. Think about a time when you might have made a mistake or goofed up. Can you think of any “mistakes or goof-ups?”
When you do something good, the energy you channel to doing that good deed will be very positive. In other words, feelings of guilt will be neutralized or even disappear. If you feel guilty for all the things you did right, you’ll also feel useless, unworthy, and dejected. When you let go of feeling guilty for feeling or thinking a certain way, you will be able to do and feel more effectively, positively, and courageously.
Guided Meditation As an example, a person could do a guided meditation for releasing their own negative feelings by taking one minute to place themselves in the posture of an erect, straight tree. In meditation, guided meditation places your body in such a position to release any sense of responsibility or accountability to another. If you are holding yourself back from doing something good, you could learn how to release that feeling by simply shifting your gaze to another object. This shift of your gaze will serve to distract your attention from feeling guilty about not doing something yet again. The more often this is done, the longer guided meditation will take to help you relax and release your negative energy.
Reading a Letter of Self- Accountability If you have been feeling bad about something you have done, or are thinking about doing, it is very likely that you are also holding yourself accountable to someone else. For instance, if you are a perfectionist, you probably feel bad when you do things that others are going to find to be unsatisfactory. In order to let go of feeling bad about yourself, you need to first eliminate the possibility of someone else knowing about your perfectionism. One simple technique for doing this is to hide your letter of self- Accountability behind a piece of paper or something similar. Then after finishing your work, just hide the document under your pillow and it will not be visible to anyone else. After several weeks, you will begin to feel better because you will have released your accountability to someone else.
Dealing with a heavy feeling of guilt is often one of the most difficult feelings to relieve. Guilt causes stress and increases the likelihood that you will make a mistake. If you want to let go of feeling guilty, it is important that you take the time to address the problem and deal with it as soon as possible.
Use Your Mind For Success — Why You Can Learn How to Use Your Mind for Success
Nine success experts teach you how to use your mind for success. Sometimes we need consistent affirmation that what we’re doing is working. We all need encouragement sometimes. Sometimes we get so unstuck in the ways that we have to look for help in a different way.
If you feel like you’re doing something the whole time and sometimes get so unstuck that you have to look for another way to keep going, then you need consistency. Nine success experts teach you that if you’re not getting somewhere by working on one thing at a time, you must find out which method is right for you. If it’s not working for you, then you must move on to the next plan. It’s all about finding the best way for you.
Sometimes, you may get stuck on one idea for a long time. When that happens, you need consistency to get through it. Staying focused on one thing is sometimes more important than finding another way. You can use your mind for success by always being focused on one idea. Once you get into that habit, anything else that comes into your mind will be easier to divert.
The second part of this article series explains how you can use your mind for success by learning to apply the knowledge and skills you’ve learned from your training courses. The first part explained what to look for in courses you choose. The second part provides examples of proven mindset techniques you can use right now.
One of the nine success experts teaches you how to get through a tough situation by changing your mindset. She calls this a “versus-effect” situation-you fight against the pain you feel rather than enjoy it. By changing your mindset you change the way your brain responds-which changes the power your mind has to create change in your world. The author provides a great description of this mental condition and why it’s an important tool for personal growth and success.
You’ll learn how to create a better work environment. For example, one of the authors’ favorite books is Inside Out, by Richard Bandler. In this book, he shares how to get employees to work efficiently and on time. In the process of teaching Bandler’s technique to his staff, he discovered that employees reported feeling happier, more satisfied with their jobs, and more alert and energetic when they spent more time doing the things they liked.
The mind can be used for more than achieving your goals. The ninth author also shares her personal journey in becoming an entrepreneur and how she used her mind to achieve major successes. The concepts she teaches are valuable for everyone. Her methods are simple yet powerful. Instead of working a nine-to-five job and hoping for the best, she realized that she needed to learn one important skill: How to use her mind to conquer her problems.
The nine digital books The Self-Esteem Mastery Book Series by Pam Coleman is a great way to train your mind to think positively. The author tells readers to “use your mind as a muscle,” and gives tips on how to use the power of positive thinking to achieve personal goals. In addition to her personal story, she shares how she transformed her life using these techniques. The books are full of exercises and worksheets to help you succeed in every area of your life. By learning to use your mind in a positive way, you can learn how to develop your skills to make positive changes in your life.
Avoid Negative People and Keep Your Personal Life Clean
How to avoid negative people in your life is one of life’s most important skills. Negative people will sooner or later break your spirit. When first starting out, no one ever told me that the initial goal was to compose five novels in three years, but many were very supportive when first started writing. This gave me the courage to keep going. I have succeeded in writing books of varying lengths and genres, but this small step was very helpful in growing my writing ability.
The most difficult way to avoid negative influences in life is to surround yourself with positive and supportive people. Negative people will quickly break down your energy by making you feel like your world is crumbling around you. Surround yourself with people who love you, support you, and will happily assist you every step of the way to grow your career, business, and personal relationships.
You don’t have to live with negative people for the rest of your life. But you must learn how to avoid them as much as possible. This is done through knowing what a toxic person is and recognizing their destructive influence in your personal life. So what is toxic? Anything that is not nurture-worthy, that has been used to poison another or is being used for personal gain by someone else.
One way to avoid negative people in your life is to stop comparing yourself to others. By comparing yourself to others, you will constantly feel bad about yourself, and this will affect your performance at work, in school, in the community, in your personal relationships, etc. One of the easiest ways to change this unhealthy habit is to surround yourself with positive people. This doesn’t mean you have to surround yourself with only positive people who love you. Anyone can do this, it’s just that it takes some effort and focus.
The first step to changing this unhealthy habit is to surround yourself with positive people who love you. Make sure they are around you all the time, not only during work hours but also while you are sleeping. It’s also important that these people are like-minded, that way you will have a much better support system if you need one, or if one of them decides to do something out of the ordinary that upsets you. And if you are naturally an optimist, surround yourself with optimists, and always provide your most optimistic thoughts and outlook possible.
You may find that your new support system is not enough, because your new environment might not be as friendly and accepting as your previous one. If that is the case, then it’s time to go a step further in your goal of avoiding negative influences. You should start being aware of how negative people might affect you, especially those close to you. For example, if you are working with someone who is constantly belittling you, or telling you that you are worthless, this is going to have an effect on you. You need to start looking out for yourself, not just other people. If you don’t know how to do this, find a quiet place where you can do nothing but reflect, and try to stay away from the source of your negativity.
Once you are able to remove yourself from the situation that is causing the negativity, you now need to let others know that you are now working to get rid of this negativity. If there are people around you that you trust, tell them about your new mission. Don’t hold back, no matter what they think. Everyone loves a hero. This is your chance to be a hero, to prove that you can overcome negativity and become a stronger and better person for it. When you make others see the difference you have made, it is then that you will be more inclined to let others know about what a great job you are doing.
The point of all of this is to show you that there is more to your life than being a victim and letting it affect you. If you keep this up and work on getting rid of toxicity from your life, you will start to see changes. Whether you are in the process of cleaning up your personal life or you are just looking for ways to avoid toxic people, always keep in mind that negativity will not grow if you allow it to. Get out there and take action!
Remind Yourself of Your Goals Every Day
Remind yourself of your goals every day. This is probably one of the best things you can do for yourself. Goals have the power to make or break you and with them, you can create the kind of future you want. Here are some tips on how to reinforce your goal setting:
o Remind yourself every day that you have an assignment. Make sure that you set aside one hour of your day to write your goals down, put pen to paper and write them on a daily basis. This will give you something to look forward to every day, to jog your memory and remind yourself that you are working towards a goal that needs to be achieved.
Make sure that you do your homework. Try to find and complete as many things as you can during your spare time, even if it means going to bed early. Remember to put one hour aside for homework each day, whether it’s reading books or studying for an exam. This will help you stay on task and remind yourself that you need to work hard and to keep working at it.
o You don’t want to leave anything to chance. Even if you’re not looking for a particular goal right now, it never hurts to create a long-term plan for yourself. Do some research and try to figure out what you want to achieve over the course of your lifetime. It’s a good idea to start mapping this out on paper and using a calendar or piece of paper to track your progress. Writing your goals down and marking them when they are completed, will keep you motivated.
o Set up a timetable for yourself. When you set yourself specific goals you have something tangible that you can look at to see how far you’ve come. This can be especially useful if you’re a bit behind on some of your goals. It might also motivate you to work harder, especially if you know that you’re falling further behind.
o Keep your goals in front of you at all times. It helps to have an agenda that you follow each day. Stick it where you can see it each day so you’ll have a good idea of where you’re at. If you have an upcoming deadline for any of your goals, remind yourself of it. Make sure that you do your best to meet that goal before your deadline.
o If you can’t make it to your goals every day, don’t sweat it. Set short-term goals that are easy to achieve and stick with them. If you have a big goal, write it down on paper and read it daily as a reminder. Every once in a while to write down a short-term goal that’s easy to achieve. If you do this enough, it will help to strengthen your willpower and prevent you from procrastinating.
Reminding yourself of your goals is important, but you should do it as often as you can. Try to give yourself a reward for achieving each one of your goals each day. A good way to do this is by buying yourself a small ticket to whatever your long-term goal is. You’ll be surprised at just how effective this can be.
o Another way to reinforce your willpower is to see your goals as if they already happened. Go through the steps to achieving each one of your goals. This can help you see them more clearly and in your mind.
o The way to really remind yourself of your goals every day is to think about them while doing your daily activities. This will create a routine for you. Each time you reach a goal, you’ll automatically think about it. It may take some time to get used to, but this is a wonderful way to reinforce your goal setting. The brain will simply remember your goals and what you’re trying to accomplish.
o Remind yourself of your goals each day. They’re right there waiting for you, so go to reach them. It will help you keep your goal-setting and goal-achieving in your head.
Seek Success Not Results
A teacher always seeks power not results; similarly, an entrepreneur strives to seek results not knowledge. But results are the fruit of one’s labor, labor, and investments. Knowledge, on the other hand, is produced through any effort or work. Knowledge is acquired, and through time its value accumulates as a result of the accumulation and application of wisdom.
How much more if we will seek knowledge, not results? When you apply a system of learning to your operations, how will you know if it has been effective or not? How would you know if the application has helped you increase your Return On Investment (ROI)? Through an online metrics application — how will you know if it is working for you?
What is the best method to achieve this? Seek knowledge — always. There is a time when results come, but there is always a better way. There is always a better way than making constant errors or wasteful spending.
Knowledge is nothing but knowledge. In whatever action you take knowledge plays a major role. Knowledge is never something that you do not possess. You just need to find ways to put that knowledge to use. Knowledge is acquired through many experiences and by educating yourself with different kinds of knowledge, you also tend to acquire skills and techniques which are very important in your line of work and also prove beneficial to your organization.
What if knowledge is not power? If you do not have the skill, the expertise, or the experience to make something work it will not be done — period. Knowledge is only the means to realizing your goals. It is the means to realize your goals by applying what you already know and understanding better what needs to be done and how.
Now, what about the rest? How do you become a power player when knowledge and skills are neither resulting-oriented nor power-oriented? Well, if you have these two then you are already on your way to becoming successful. Successful people know their objectives — they have clear-cut vision of what they want and this helps them achieve their goals and stay motivated towards their objectives.
To achieve your objectives, you need to be passionate about what you are doing. Find out what drives you. Is it results? Is it setting goals? Is it consulting experts?
Being passionate about your work is one of the best investments you can ever make. Passion makes you move ahead and it also makes you move fast — almost as if you were moving to the next level. And what about — results-oriented activities? This again is another good reason why knowledge is the best. If you know how something works and what are its benefits then results become much easier to attain.
The reason why results-oriented activities are so important is that without it your journey towards your goals becomes an endless journey. It becomes like shooting in the dark. It’s either you shoot blindly through the dark or you hit your target. The latter option kills your motivation and your chances of reaching your goals.
When you are passionate about what you are doing then only you will see the results. And this in turn brings in success because passion helps you keep focused. It keeps you working towards your destination. The biggest indicator of success is not whether you have achieved the goal before but whether you have achieved it after. If you were to set your mind to achieve nothing, then how can you even think of ever achieving success?
So the bottom line is knowledge is the answer to your problem. This knowledge can come in the form of many things — books, online articles, e-courses, seminars, coaching, etc. Knowledge is the key to unlocking your potential and making you a better person. You have got to be open to get knowledge because knowledge gives you the best tool for the job — a clearer view of what you want and the means to get it.
There are many people who have achieved their goals by seeking knowledge. They kept their goals, they kept their focus and they even kept going back to achieve more goals until they eventually became successful. Is it not your right as a human being to seek knowledge and achieve your goals? Think about it — the power of knowledge is like pulling the ladder up on your own behalf.
Practice Makes Perfect
The phrase “practice makes perfect” is a true and old saying. People from all walks of life have learned this one phrase over the years. But people are still not perfect. So, if practice makes perfect then why not learn how to practice what you have learned? If ills are perfect, you must consider an experienced procrastinator as your personal expert on the subject of procrastinating.
Procrastination is a very persistent habit, which demands consistent effort to overcome. Experts in this field all agree that one of the most important factors to acquire mastery over the new skill of mastery is sustained practice. There is no such skill born overnight. It takes sustained practice to master. If you want to master the art of putting things off, you must practice every day until the task is accomplished.
An English expert who has been practicing the English language for many years came to me for help. This expert was so good that I felt that I could not let go of him. He has taught me so many years of disciplined self-mastery. He said, “Practice makes Perfect”. I think he is right. This statement holds true for most things in life.
I remember a lady who once told me “practice makes perfect”, and I realized that she had just made a mistake. In her attempt to become a better human being, she committed suicide by hanging herself from the balcony. When I compared her case with the idioms quoted earlier, it was apparent that she had committed suicide as a result of illogical beliefs about success and failure. Her example illustrates how dangerous our ideas about success, failure, reward, and punishment are, and how they affect the way we live our lives.
The saying “Practice Makes Perfect”, is so true, that I want to add another saying to the collection — “mental practice makes perfect”. In fact all mental skills, even creative ones, eventually become habitual. A new skill can be practiced over again, till it becomes almost a reflex action, like brushing your teeth. You might not be aware of this, but everything around you is habits, and you can consciously change them, by deliberately focusing on making them better.
When I read a book that uses an idiomatic or proverbial expression, I sometimes think to myself “That’s great — I have learned this today”. I never remember where I learned it, or why I learned it. It may be that the author wrote the book in an idiom that was so familiar to you, that you instinctively knew how to use it. If so, you will also probably know why, and how to use it. And I am sure that you can practice applying the new skill, by learning to use it in your daily conversations.
I recently finished reading an interesting book by an English professor, wherein he discussed, in detail, all the major idioms, and their original meaning. After reading this book, and becoming familiar with all the idioms, I realized, after reading an interesting article in the Wall Street Journal, that I had been using some of my idioms, or at least I was aware of having been using some of them, even unconsciously, throughout my life. And what’s more — I realized that I had been using these same expressions, or I wouldn’t have been able to read this interesting article. And the author of the article had written the article for all of us, not just for him.
In fact, everything in life becomes habitual, and that’s why all the seemingly unrelated things often come together because you are forced to look at and think about them. And this is why we need to constantly practice phrasing practice makes perfect. Not only does it help you understand what other people are really thinking, you get to have some fun along the way. And who knows? Maybe next time a thought enters your mind, the true meaning will be clearer.
Five Keys to Your Success and Your Staying Power
Do you find that the best way to achieve your goals in life is by embracing change? You may be surprised to know that many people do not! People will tell you that change can be scary, confusing, or even scary when it is already happening to them. Yet, if you look deeper into the real reasons for embracing change, you’ll find that there are three primary benefits to being able to embrace change.
First, embracing change is key to your success and happiness. When you make a decision to take on change, you have committed yourself to move in a new direction. This gives you something to focus on besides your current problems and challenges. When you are living in the here and now, you can look at your daily actions and say, “I am going to start doing this today.” Not only does this give you a purposeful goal to work toward, but you’ll also find that changing your habits is easier than you think. You may even find that you already possess some of the skills and traits you need to be successful at making the changes needed to succeed in whatever area of your life you choose.
Secondly, change is key to keeping yourself motivated. If you find that you are easily distracted by your day-to-day experiences, you may find that it’s harder to stay focused on your goals and plans. When you are motivated, however, you are able to meet your commitments and plan ahead with enthusiasm. You are also less likely to procrastinate and mess up because you are taking small steps to get where you want to go.
Thirdly, change is key to your health. In this fast-paced world, many people find that physical symptoms related to stress such as headaches and stomachaches come on unexpectedly. Embracing change, especially when it is part of a larger plan, can reduce these types of unpleasant side effects.
Fourthly, change is key to your personal happiness. If you are finding that your inner critic keeps criticizing you for not living up to your expectations or for not reaching goals you have set, changing how you respond to these critical comments can provide you with much relief. It can also provide you with a much more positive self-image. This is especially important if you tend to put your self-esteem on the line by telling yourself that you cannot do something because you don’t feel good enough, or that you are not a good enough person to make a difference.
Finally, change is key to your growth as a person. As you adapt to new ways of doing things, you become a better friend, lover, co-worker, and even a best friend. In addition, change provides an opportunity to learn about yourself and about others. This type of self-examination not only helps you grow personally but also helps you determine whether there is anything in your life that needs improvement.
The fourth key to your success and your staying power is to adopt a mindset that involves change. You must resist the temptation to hold fast to the status quo. No matter how uncomfortable the changes may be, resist the urge to resist them. Instead, embrace the challenge, take steps forward, and look for the opportunities that will develop because of those changes. Adopting this mindset will help you keep going when the going gets tough.
The fifth and final key to your success and your staying power is to believe in change. If you have already adopted a mindset that resists change, think hard about why that is and what it may mean to you. It may mean that your definition of success includes having the same occupation, spending the same amount of time at work, and having the same salary as you did a few years ago. It could also mean that you have to leave your present job to start a whole new career. Whatever your situation, changing to embrace change is the only way to truly have true success and build a lasting legacy.