Ageless Body Cleansing (ABC) to Remove Body's Daily Wastes
Physical health is very important. Keeping the body clean and healthy is essential. It is necessary to remove the daily waste of the body.
Thus, the removal the body's daily waste is called ageless body cleansing . It is divided into 6 methods.
They are:
Mouth and Dental Cleansing
Eyes Cleansing
Phlegm Cleansing
Intestine Cleansing
External Body Cleansing
Equilibrium of Internal Body Heat
Even though, Body's wastes are being removed, some of the Body's wastes retained in the following places such as the mouth, the tooth, throat, the eyes and the intestines. The retained body's waste causes damage to health of the body and causes many diseases.
The removal of these body's waste in proper way is essential. To obtain pure body without deterioration, this Ageless Body Cleansing Methods are very important, which is very high eternal refining process, which uses many rare herbs and minerals etc.
Mouth and Dental Cleansing
At first, let us know about Dental cleansing, the following are the ingredients required to do the process, they are:
Neem Tree's Trunk Crust (1x times)
Gum Tree's Trunk Crust (1x times)
Achyranthes Aspera Root Crust (1x times)
Terminalia Chebula retz's Skin (after removing seed) (1x times)
Caryophyllus aromaticus (1x times)
Black Salt (1.25x times)
First five ingredients should be taken in equal measurement and dry it under sunlight, after that crush it, sieve it out and collect the powder. Add black salt with powder, which should be one-fourth of the measurement of that powder. Mix the powder well and thus tooth powder is made.
Daily, early in the morning, use this tooth powder to brush your teeth. By brushing the teeth using this powder, strains and germs on the teeth will be removed. There will be charm in the teeth and face. And the gums on the teeth are well tightened. The bleeding in the teeth is stopped. The stickiness of the mouth will also go away.
Eyes Cleansing
It is a marvelous method of removing the eyes excreta and it removes inflammation of the eyes that gives a very rare benefit.
Take a mud pot or bucket having sufficient opening to dip your face completely. Before going to bed, in the pot or bucket, fill it with fresh water and cover it with a lid. After getting up from the bed, before doing the mouth and dental cleansing, in that fresh water, add 5 numbers of roses or 5 numbers of Ervatamia coronaria flowers, then go to do mouth and dental cleansing, after completing it, go to do eyes cleansing.
Dip your face in the fresh water completely and then open and close your eyes for 10 times, then rotate your eyes clock wise for 5 times and anti-clock wise for 5 times, then keep your eyes open and without movement for few seconds.
Thus, by doing so, if you cannot hold the breath and do all the task at one stretch, then you can do as much as possible in every breath and complete the whole task given.
It may be easy to do but rare benefits are for sure. Thus, excreta in the eyes is removed and eyes are recovered from irritations and inflammation. Microscopic nerves inside the eyes is cooled and the eyes are very bright and cool.
This method can be done without roses or Ervatamia coronaria flowers, just with only pure and fresh water.
According to Indian ancient literature, Our body has three energy channels. Through this three energy channels, the life force flows within our body, they are
1. Left channel (wind) lies with left nostril,
2. Right channel (bile) lies with right nostril, and
3. Invisible central channel (phlegm), which runs along the central axis of the body, through the spinal cord. This is the most important channel of the astral (emotional) body.
Physical health is very important. Keeping the body clean and healthy is essential. It is necessary to remove the daily waste of the body.
Thus, the removal the body's daily waste is called ageless body cleansing . It is divided into 6 methods.
They are:
1. Mouth and Dental Cleansing
2. Eyes Cleansing
3. Phlegm Cleansing
4. Intestine Cleansing
5. External Body Cleansing
6. Equilibrium of Internal Body Heat
Even though, Body's wastes are being removed, some of the Body's wastes retained in the following places such as the mouth, the tooth, throat, the eyes and the intestines. The retained body's waste causes damage to health of the body and causes many diseases.
The removal of these body's waste in proper way is essential. To obtain pure body without deterioration, this Ageless Body Cleansing Methods are very important, which is very high eternal refining process, which uses many rare herbs and minerals etc.
Intestine Cleansing
The process of cleansing the intestines of the digestive system is called intestine cleansing. Removing daily wastes is essential to keep the stomach clean and to keep away from diseases.
Before going to bed, take 2 to 4 glasses of clean water and pour it into a clean bowl and boil well. The water should be thoroughly boiled and take out the bowl, add half spoon of cumin seeds and cover it well. Then, go to bed.
Get up early in the morning and open the lid, the water is found in yellow color. After completing eyes cleansing, filter the water with a white cloth, drink it gradually. While drinking, relieve the stomach and repel back of the stomach for at least 5 to 10 times. By doing so, the stools contained in the stomach gets rinsed and make the feel to excrete it. After excrement, then drink the water again and repeat it for 4 to 5 times. Further stools, if any so, retained inside are again excreted. Initially, it is a bit harder and boring, there will be a dramatic changes by continuing to practice.
This following diseases can be eliminated, they are loss of appetite, stomach pain, constipation, and so forth headache and skin diseases. Body glows and gets cooled. The man who follows this very rare method will live with health for 100 years.
Phlegm Cleansing
It is said that although there are many herbs available, only in the body rejuvenating herbs, the nature of the minerals is high with the high energy of 5 elements of nature. Thus, among the body rejuvenating herbs, Eclipta Prostrata will be top among them. Phlegm cleansing method uses the herb only.
Herb Eclipta Prostrata which blossom white flower, to be collected as required, wash thoroughly with water, then beat it well and squeeze to get the juice and keep it separately. Take the same amount of Cow's ghee, as the obtained juice of Herb Eclipta Prostrata. Mix it together thoroughly. Pour it in the vessel and place it in a stove / oven and heat it, stir the herbal ghee while brewing to avoid bottom settlement or to avoid over-burnt. At the stage, ghee smokes reddish, add a pinch of alum and continue heating for a while, later take the vessel from stove and filter it. Cover the prepared herbal ghee in a container using a clean cloth. It is equivalent to nectar.
Everyday morning, after completing intestine cleansing, touch the herbal ghee using the right thumb, put the thumb inside the mouth, apply well for 3 times on equal interval at the backside inner tongue, from the opening where breath flows upward. Then do not eat anything and without talking to anyone for 48 minutes.
Phlegm also said as the mucus, which restrict the breath of human, has the ability to inflict death. Life force of a living soul flows upward on the thin, microscopic invisible central channel which is along the path of the respiration where mucus is settled and causing blockages. This phlegm settlements and blocks gradually get dissolved and begin to flow into the mouth which has toxicity. So, it has to be spit it out.
This formation of phlegm cannot be removed automatically, since from the birth until the death. Therefore, this phlegm cleansing method should be practiced regularly and properly without errors, to gradually clear the blocks in the central channel and get cleansed. Hereby, the flow of life force get increased which used to assimilate the cosmic energy into the body's bio-magnetic energy.
After doing mouth and dental cleansing, eyes cleansing to be done and followed by intestine cleansing. After that only, phlegm cleansing to be practiced, because to avoid discomfort for stool excretion.
Physical health is very important. Keeping the body clean and healthy is essential. It is necessary to remove the daily waste of the body.
External Body Cleansing
Even though, Body's wastes are being removed, some of the Body's wastes retained in the following places such as the mouth, the tooth, throat, the eyes and the intestines. The retained body's waste causes damage to health of the body and causes many diseases.
The removal of these body's waste in proper way is essential. To obtain pure body without deterioration, this Ageless Body Cleansing Methods are very important, which is very high eternal refining process, which uses many rare herbs and minerals etc.
External Body Cleansing
The wastes in the body exits through skin and each fur. It is therefore essential to cleanse it by removing the exhausted daily waste.
Ingredients required for external body cleansing:
Hedychium Spicatum
Berberis aristata
Chickpea flour
Sweet Flag
Feronia Elephantum Leaves
Acacia concinna
Take first 4 items listed above in equal measures. If the total weight of these four items is equal to a portion, then take 10 portions of Feronia Elephantum Leaves and 10 portions of Acacia concinna. Dry all these ingredients well in the sunlight. Then crush and sieve it well, thus the powder is made.
After completing the first 4 cleansing course in the morning, take the required amount of the powder in a bowl and pour sufficient water and mix well. using this paste, rub and bathe in the luke warm water. This excretes the skin's fur dirt. Skin dryness, sweating smells and salt settlements in the skin are removed, keeping away from skin diseases. The skin will be smoother and with flavor.
Equilibrium of Internal Body Heat
At least monthly twice, i.e. once in 15 days, internal body heat to be balanced. The following are the ingredients required for balancing internal body heat:
Seed removed dried Phyllanthus emblica
Seed removed Terminalia Chebula retz's
Seeds of Neem Fruit
Take the 5 items listed above in equal measures. Add milk with its 1/4 of volume and grind it to make paste. Apply well and soak your head and body for 3 hours. Later, take bath in hot water. By doing so, your eyes shall be cool and without any irritation, also you can balance head and body internal heat. This course is also called as body rejuvenating bath.